Wednesday 15 April 2020

Our History Is Being Rewritten | Glossop History

Our History is Being Written - But Do We Have a Chance to Shape It? 

I finally have an opportunity to sit a write through what can only be said as underrepresented times. I have been involved heavily with my other line of work which is assisting with end of life care and bereavement specialist. The world is changing and our social tendencies are changing forever. It might no be obvious from a closed door, or is it. the way we communicate strives of modern technologies, phones, iPads and computers. It is the way we react to other human being when we venture out, for those who seek their government guided walk or exercise. If you know your neighbor or the person you see the Glossop (Northern) way of greeting is an sincere hello and a smile. A resounding reassurance of our fellow neighbor has reignited the community spirit and is changing life forever.

We are reevaluating all aspects of life including, relationships, work, travel and most of all food. Many have taken the opportunity to use local produce, sellers and providers. I hope it will continue long after the storm but its not just that, its how we cook, the ingredients we use, how much and how we store them where the vast adjustments are being made. In the beginning of the outbreak people were hording or panic buying toilet rolls, hand wash and pasta. Along with tins and alcohol (where it was told it would kill the virus along with long lasting food, dried, tins and frozen. Some have gone back to having milk delivered along with bread and companies helping deliver hot meals and addition support to our most vulnerable. It its fantastic to see community groups strategically managing other organisations to help the most in need. The Bureau is doing just that, the headquarters of local operations. It sparks great reminisces of four local gents who I had the pleasure to work with who spoke proudly of being in the Home Guard in Glossop. I they let me document their stories and they were fantastic and I hope to transcribe them to share them with you soon. In addition I will be updating the website as I have been recording mini documentaries for you while you are staying safe at home at will be aired next week.

Some of the other stories they shared were of different training and preparation exercises, call outs and funny mishaps. They have shared some documents with me along with a small box of personal diary's which will take some reading as there is several of them. A document from the evacuation procedures in the town and a permit for a bike is among the items. Glossop was at the epicentre of both world wars because of its vast production power, range of equipment and techniques.

A part of history is repeating itself. The government announced within one of its daily televised updates for manufactures of all kinds to swap to making urgently needed supplies such as asking breweries for alcohol gel and others to make masks, face shields and ventilators. As part of one of my talks and guided tours I share the story of the admiralty walking through the large mills of Glossop and preparing just over 20 different war supplies. There is a fantastic picture in an archive in Cornwall (don't ask me how it got there) of just that. The powers that be stood for a very formal image of the secret war effort in Glossop. Join me on my mini documentaries to see more of this in more detail.

Now we do not hold the power of that but we do still hold the strongest of weapons, our community. So continue to do your bit and Stay at Home. This is our fight, the biggest fight of our generation. I will be continuing to care for our individuals and families that need support more than ever. It was pleasing to see carers from all walks of social care be recognised in tonight's briefing. To all my colleagues, clients, friends who risk their lives for the sake of others, take care and thank you for what you do so well.

On this day at the time of print 11.55pm Captain Tom Moore's 100th Birthday Walk for the NHS
He wanted to raise £1000 for the NHS for is 100th Birthday - Time of print 10.4 Million Great British Pounds had been donated, We as a family have contributed. Well Done Captain!

If you would like to see more see Website:
Mini Documentations and Tours from April 18th   Be Well Youtube Channel